Friday, December 21, 2007

"Tuesdays with Morrie" The Seventh Tuesday

On the seventh Tuesday Morrie talks about age. Mitch asked him if he ever envy's people of younger ages and Morrie said that he does. But Morrie said that he had a time to be younger and now he has a time to be older so he is going to enjoy it now. I agree with this because so many people in the world are the opposite of this. They always complain about their age weather they might be too old or too young almost everybody has complained about their age at some point in their life... even me. But if you take time out to think about it, it really doesn't have a point to complain about it because you are only going to be that age once so you should just live in it while you can. If you waste your time complaining about the age that you are not then you are just going to end up wasting the age you are now then later in your life you are probably going to end up complaining about the years of your life that you wasted complaining about future years. Because once you live a year of your life you can't get it back no matter how much you complain. So my advice to everybody is to take life as it comes because there is a time to be fives years old, and that is when you are five and there is a time to be sixty years old, and that is when you are sixty years old. Everybody is going to die eventually and that is the only thing that is guaranteed in life, and you only live once so don't waste it.

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