Friday, January 11, 2008

The Pigmen

Well John and Lorraine were playing that game again.when it was Lorraine turn she went to the phonebook and open she look at the page will fast and she saw the name of a sheet close to her house so she pick that when she called it she ask for if there were a Mr or Mrs Pignati there was a Mr Pignati that pick up the phone,Lorraine said that she was calling to see if he would give a donation to the L & J funds.They talk for hours the guy did't even ask what the donation was for and what they would use it for.Mr Pignati was a old lonely guy that missed his wife.Mr Pignati tould them that he will give them 10 dollars and how would he get it to them. Lorraine did't want to do nothing with it so john started to talk to Mr Pignati that they will come and pick it up.Lorraine did't want to go so john talk to her into it.So they went to Mr Pignati house.when they got to the house Mr Pignati answer the door.They came in his home and they sat at the kitchen table.They played a few games and he show the them his pig but they aren't real.he collected pigs with his wife the whole living was full of pigs.then after that he ask them one day will they go to the zoo with him so they said yes.

Louigi Pizzuto

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