Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dr. Jekyll's Explamation Of Mr, Hyde

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Pages Forty-Two to Fifty-Five

Dr. Jekyll's strange behavior comes to a final explanation in this ending to the book. Jekyll explains how he discovered a potion that allowed himself to turn into two different natures or sides of himself. I look at it was Mr. Hyde is the evil, creepy wild side of Jekyll that he normally can not express. I think being able to be two people is something that everybody would enjoy. But then Dr. Jekyll began turning into Mr. Hyde without the potion. Sometimes he would even go to bed as Dr. Jekyll and wake up as Mr. Hyde. I think that began happening because Dr. Jekyll was talking advantage of his ability to be someone else and changed into Mr. Hyde to often. I think that iwas greed that ruined him because he was trying to live two lives when he had only one body to live his days in. I think Dr. Jekyll lost control with his experiment and made it a lifestyle. His experiment even is responsible for the for the deaths two people, Sir Danvers Carew and Hid old friend Dr. Lanyon. But I thought that it was nice that it was a nice suprise that Dr. Jekyll left his will to Mr. Utterson. I think all the work Mr. Utterson did during the whole strange case for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was something that represents true friendship and curiosity of a lawyer looking for the truth. What is your guys' opinions on Dr. Jekyll's explanation of Mr. Hyde?

Louigi Pizzuto

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