Monday, April 28, 2008

Can we change anything with fighting?

I have been looking for days for more information, and websites that would fit my topic. Much of the stuff I was finding was from the earlier years of Operation: Iraqi Freedom, but then I came across something that was more of an opinionated site. Though it was not my idea of a good opinion on the war, it was an opinion nonetheless. It was stated that both the Vietnam War and the Iraqi War were both wars of choice. Also, both presidents at the time were saying almost the same thing, in that Johnson and Bush did not want to pull out of the war, because it would show weakness, and give incentive that the United States is not as strong as perceived (St. John).

However there are some questions that come to mind when you think of both wars. Such as, is it fair to the Iraqi or American people, was it fair to the Vietnamese people, and is either war necessary? Some say yes, others say no, but there is a large difference between the Vietnam and Iraqi War, and that is during the Vietnam War, the U.S. was never attacked on their soil, but when 9/11 happened it directly hit America's heartland, one of America's busiest cities, it put the United Stats on its' toes and into disarray. With 9/11 happening all of America was for war and now all of a sudden when casualties are taken, and inflation hits, people are grinding against the war. The people of America need to make up their minds', because without this government, without this freedom given to us as Americans, we couldn't even change our minds' and live to speak about it. One of the reasons Vietnam was unsuccessful was, because at home, America was not getting along, just as it is now. If a country, or a people feel that they want something it must be unanimous to work. But if we pull out now, within six months all of the "changes" we made won't be there, the "democracy" we instilled will be gone, and our stronghold on the Mid-East will be gone, this is all too similar to what happened in Vietnam, so it does make you wonder, can you even change the way people having been living for thousands of years, and is this assimilation to the "American" lifestyle for other countries worth our nations' youth?


St. John, Ronald Bruce. "Sorry, Mr. President, but Iraq looks a lot like Vietnam." 28 04 2008 .


Mike C said...

I understand what you are saying about if we pull out now that all the stuff we did will become pointless. But in my opinion I think we should just pull out anyway because it is just wasting money on our part so enventually we are going to have to pull out. So weather we do it now or later it doesn't matter because we are going to have the same result the way I look it. So if we pull out now we save money and peoples' lives and get fid of problems that shouldn't be ours.

Mike G said...

I think that america being at war in iraq is sortve pointless but since were there might as well fight right? Although i do no believe that iraq is no were near americas biggest threat. We also should focus more on the united states then we should on the world. there are more important issues such as increasing gas prices and food rationing. Random fact but a 20 puond bag of rice went from 9.99 to 17.99 withen a span of 2 months and its being limited to one bag per customer.Are dollar is weakining. So to me its obvious we havint learned anything about fighting pointless wars