Friday, April 11, 2008

Before the Search

Recently, I have enlisted in the United States Navy and thought that since our country is in the war, and I enlisted then I should learn more about. Because, the more I know about this topic the better off I think i would be so I cannot be lied to, and so I could also form my own opinion. Also, this war is a big deal, yet according to a recent survey eighty percent of Americans did not know tat we were nearing almost four thousand soldiers in death in Iraq, but more than eighty percent knew who the last person voted off American Idol was. With this media coverage, more than there was during the Vietnam War, people should know more about it, and what is going on. And the people that are paying attention to the war are protesting it most of the time, which is similar to the Vietnam War as well. Therefore, I would like to answer the question of what are the similarities between the Vietnam War and the Iraqi War, and how can peace be brought? With this question many other questions come to mind, such as, what were the reasons we went into both wars, why was the United States involved, what do people say could have been done differently to bring Vietnam and the current war on terror to a better conclusion, how can peace be achieved, and what were the problems with both wars?

This topic has always interested me, I know that part of the reason we are in the Iraqi war is not only because of 9/11, but to attempt to bring democracy to the middle east. I also know that we attempted to do the same thing in Vietnam, because the United States wanted to contain communism. However, the way I look at it, both of these wars have a lot in common and I would like to find out more and further my knowledge on what i already know, and to form a better, more educated decision.

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