Thursday, May 29, 2008

As i write my final reflection i will look back and examine a lot of my research in order to come up with a conclusion. I am pretty sure on were i stand and believe that i found an answer to my question. The revitalization of Buffalo, Is it really possible. A city which looks like it can never be what it was. A city that was known for its ports and an always busy downtown, to now being known as the second poorest city in the United states. I believe that we can become that again. however this change will not be any time in the near future. The change will have to start not only with the government but with the people of this city as well.

Many obstacles are in the cities way. For example the cities tax rate, bad economy, vacant homes, even are teen pregnancy rates. It does not sound to appealing for upcoming business owners who are the people who can actually help rebuild this city. It is difficult to say when or how it is possible for this city to get back to what it was. It Has been to many years of a declining economy to bring back up in the matter of a couple years.

All the research that i have found should have lead me to the conclusion hat Buffalo,NY has no hope. Such as are difficulties with are social security issues and are poverty rate being second in the nation. This is a great obstacle to overcome. So i decided to conclude with all the information that i have learned and researched that it is in fact possible for this city to get back to its old ways, although i can not guarantee that its going to happen this decade. So the new question would have to be, not if the city would become successful but when will it become a popular city again.

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