Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Final Reflection

Well with the last entry, I hoped to have made a major step in this project, in that I have found different views of both wars, and one in particular that stuck out was the draft situation.I didn't live in the 60's but I asked my Dad and a few other people and it was an intense situation. People were risking going to jail, going to different countries to avoid it, it was just outrageous. So many marches, protests, burning draft cards, and speaking your mind really broke through a lot, especially after the "safe era" of the 50's in which everything was so proper and well.

Finally, people were able to see the war first hand from home with all the video equipment and the excessive media coverage. It gave people a better idea of what was happening, because before this technology, anyone could lie to you can say the opposite of what was really happening. Coming with this were more educated opinions about the Vietnam War, such as: the US was fighting a war against the wishes of the majority of the Vietnamese people. And it's true they were. It was as if the US was forcing themselves and this push for democracy on a people that didn't want our help.

But as this project went on, I was researching the similarities and differences between the Vietnam and Iraqi war, but as this project went on I fell upon the topic of the draft. This was not included in my essential question, or my foundation questions, but it was a very large part of my research, because it was the largest difference between the two wars, and it is still argued whether or not the draft should be re-instituted.

With this project I learned that there as no actual answer just opinions to my essential question of "What are the similarities and differences between the Vietnam and Iraqi War?" But the idea of a draft coming back was intriguing to me, because maybe more people would start to pay more attention to the current war, and as I have stated in a previous post, more people know who was the last contestant voted off "American Idol" was, rather than know that the current war is a major cause in the inflation of their economy.

All in all though, I felt this search was successful, however now that I have this information, I planned to have a more educated opinion about the war, but even after all the research, and the composing of these blog posts, I don't think I have a full opinion quite yet, but I will be sure to keep more of an eye on what is going on in my country, because not only does it effect what will be my job, but it will effect my everyday life as an American.

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