Friday, May 16, 2008

No more lazyness!!

Well lately I've been putting this project off, because it was irritating me. There were so many websites to go to, and reading some of this stuff in a way bores me, but I am still interested in the topic. But, today I finally stopped being lazy and started looking again, and found a very interesting view on my topic. It stated that the only difference between these two wars is that in the current Iraqi War there is no draft...yet ("Differences and Similarities"). Also, these two wars seem to be profit motivated. Not to mention that the difficult task of establishing the appropriate balance between winning hearts and minds with aid and reconstruction and using force to root out insurgents ("Why Compare"). What all that means is that you are really fighting two different wars, because you are not only fighting the army of the country, but the citizens of it as well, because we are intruding their country, their land, their home. And I'm sure if a country were attacking us on our home land we wouldn't like it very much, just as we didn't like when we got attacked on Pearl Harbor, or when the 9/11 attacks happened.

But I can see why people think this war is profit motivated for example, when I went to my DEP meeting in fact every time I go down to the recruiting office there are always people screaming to me "Don"t do it son!!" or some kind of jeer like that and they always have signs saying "Rich man's war, poor man"s blood!",or "Blood for Oil!". All of the signs and chants they do are all about the war and how the United States is only doing it for oil,money, and it's "greedy pride". But at least this shows people are somewhat paying attention, even though it may not be my opinion or the "correct" opinion the people that do this have a right to do so, and if they weren't so naive they would realize that they can do this, because of the young men and women enlisting everyday. And as you can see above in the photos each generation, each person has his/her own way of going about things and decisions. For example the two photos at the top show young men protesting their war. In the 1960's burning your draft card was a demonstration of not wanting the Vietnam War to continue, and maybe since what happened in the 60's is the reason why we don't have draft cards today..yet. So even though you may not support the war, support your troops America they are the reason you can freely protest, practice any religion, and have the opportunities you do such as, going to school, having a healthy meal, and even waking up safely in the morning. And although I may not have an educated opinion on the war yet, I am proud that I enlisted and by not having an opinion makes me feel like I HAVE to research this topic, because if I don't I would be blind to what I am about to get into.

Blunden, Andy. "Burning draft cards." 19 003 1966 08 08 2008 .
"Oil War." 08 08 2008 .
Yahoo Answers, "Differences and similarities between Iraqi War and Vietnam." 07 05 2008 .
Yahoo Answers, "Why compare the Vietnam and Iraqi Wars." 08 05 2008 .


BaBYfAcE said...

Oh dickty you seem to amaze me, why did I think this would be a great topic for you. You have a great post with putting in the pictures to give the post more of a attraction, which cought my eye and so I had to read on. I like how you told what people are saying to you and how there reacting to this war, its like a interview without asking questions haha.
But keep the work up kid, i'll be looking back for more to see what you got.

Robert F said...

First of all nice picture but in the first sentces you said the only difference between these two wars but you never stated what two wars. But all in all good job.