Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It All Comes Down to This

Everything has a story behind it, and you think that you can find answers to anything but thats not the case for me in this project. I thought I had some good questions that would be answered but I was wrong. I found nothing except for peoples opinions on what motivates them and how they become prepared. I guess noone really thought about doing a interview on this topic until I came across it. I really havent learned anything I already knew but Ive learned that every body I talked to found that music helps people cope and motivate themselves. I didnt find out what the bigger percentage of people do but I did find out that the people I did talked to had very limited answers. They all told me that they like to listen to music before and during there skate session and they also need to skate with there crew. They also stated that if your with your crew you feel more hallenged to better your self because one person is always better then you unless you are the best of the best

After this project I was thinking about furthering my search and really trying to find an answer because I would really like to know what people do for this. Now I had a short amount of time for this project so I didnt really have alot of time but in the end it was all just a failure anyways. No matter how hard I tried or how long I sat at my computer and searched for something, anything I found absolutely nothing. Its frustrating becasue here you sit thinking you are all set and you think you will find something but then you get shut down with blocked sites or sites with no information about the topic.

I dont know about anyone else out there but to mean this makes me feel like I have failed, its nothing big but I dont like to fail at anything I do weather its school work or sports failure is not in my vocabulary, so now Im disappointed. Now that I am disappointed and frustrated I am determined to find an answer weather its in a few months or when im 50 I will get to the bottom of this sooner or later.

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